Big Grouper Jig: 8 oz. & 12 oz. Squid Decoys

BIG GROUPER can’t resist the 10/0 Barefoot Squid Decoy Jig because it looks like a squid that has caught a minnow or another squid (your bait) and eating it. The decoy is made to fish the bottom while drifting or anchored. The (heavy duty) 10/0 circle hooks are good to go for anything that may bite, from larger grouper and AJ’s offshore to halibut and giant stripers.

It’s the weight and the bait, all in one, that makes this DECOY look like what is happening.

Tim Barefoot with a Grouper caught with a 12 oz Tuna Decoy Jig

Other saltwater tackle you may want to try:

J Hook Chin Weights: Target fish include Tuna, Mahi or Common Dolphin, King Mackerel, Wahoo, and more.

4 oz. Crab Decoy Jig: Target fish for Striped Bass, nearshore Drum, Snook, Grouper, west coast bottom fish, and more.

4 oz. Tuna Squid Decoy Jig: From the eastern, western, Alaskan and gulf coasts, target fish include: Tuna, Dolphin, Wahoo, Fluke, Flounder, Striped Bass, Seabass, Amberjack (east coast), Yellow Tail (west coast), California White Sea Bass (west coast), Grouper, Snapper, Halibut, Ling cod, and all Alaskan bottom fish.

To Purchase any of Tim Barefoot’s Tackle listed above, visit: