Circle Hooks for Panfish, Bluegill, Crappie, Bass & Trout

Black Crappie caught with a Circle Hook rigged with a plastic worm

These Hooks are Great for All Types of Panfish

Two sizes to choose from: #6 (small) & 1/0 (medium).

Size #6: Target fish include Panfish, Bluegill, Bream, Crappie, Trout, Carp, White Perch, etc.

Size 1/0: Target fish include Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Larger Trout, Carp, Walleye, etc.


Good on the Fish and Good on the Fisherman. Over 50 bluegill, crappie, and bass caught with NO gut hooked fish!

Why Should You use circle hooks?

  1. Almost 100% of the time they hook fish in the lips, rather than gut hook the fish.
  2. They can be used with any soft plastics, live or cut bait.
  3. You don’t have to set the hook by “yanking” on the rod to drive the hook point into the jaw of the fish.
  4. They “gradually” (slowly) set as the tightening of the line draws the hook into the corner of the fish’s mouth, and then additional tension of the line “sets the hook.”
Redear Sunfish caught with a #6 Barefoot Circle Hook Chin Weight
Largemouth Bass caught on a Circle Hook

The rod holder is the best fisherman in the boat — because the rod holder lets the line come tight and “sets the hook” perfectly by the fish swimming away with the bait.

For smaller freshwater fish try:

Size #6: Target fish include Panfish including Bluegill (Bream), Sunfish, and Crappie. Also great for Trout, Carp, White Perch, and more.

For larger freshwater fish try:

Size 1/0: Target fish include Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Larger Trout, Carp, Walleye, and more.

Barefoot Jig: Target fish include Trout (speckled and gray), Drum (red and black), Flounder, Striped and Hybrid Bass, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Walleye and more!

For larger catfish fish try:

7/0 Catfish Circle Hook: Target fish include Blue, Bullhead, Channel, Flathead, and White Catfish.

To Purchase any of Tim Barefoot’s Tackle listed above, visit: